
You can get a fresh copy of PHPLucidFrame on the official website or from the github repository.

  1. Extract the downloaded archive in your local webserver document root, and you will get a folder named phplucidframe-x.y.z where x.y.z would be your downloaded version.
  2. Rename it as acme (the name is up to you).
  3. Change baseURL to acme in /inc/parameter/development.php.
  4. Check http://localhost/acme in your browser.

Alternatively, you can install PHPLucidFrame using Composer. Open your terminal and CD to your webserver document root, and then run

composer create-project --prefer-dist phplucidframe/phplucidframe acme

Development Environment

In development, your directory setup may look something like the following structure so that it can be accessible via http://localhost/acme.


In this case, the configuration variable baseURL in /inc/parameter/development.php should look like this:

return array(
    # No trailing slash (only if it is located in a sub-directory of the document root)
    # Leave blank if it is located in the document root
    'baseURL' => 'acme',
    // ....


acme would be your project or app name.

Production Environment

In production, your directory setup may look something like the following structure so that it can be accessible via


In this case, the configuration variable baseURL in /inc/parameter/production.php should look like this:

return array(
    # No trailing slash (only if it is located in a sub-directory of the document root)
    # Leave blank if it is located in the document root
    'baseURL' => '',
    // ....

By default, development environment is active. You can make production environment active by running the following command in your terminal.

php lucidframe env production

If you don’t want to use or can’t use command line, you can save the file .lcenv (in the project root) with the content production.


You can check the currently active environment by running the command php lucidframe env --show.

Secret key

To generate a secret key for your application, open your terminal or command line and CD to your project root, and then run php lucidframe secret:generate. For more about the PHPLucidFrame console, read the documentation section “The LucidFrame Console”.

Alternatively, you can also get a secret key from and save it in /inc/.secret without using command line.