Hooks And Overrides

PHPLucidFrame allows you to define hooks and overrides so that you can interact with core and enhance the functionality of core.


Hooks allow you to interact with the LucidFrame core. A hook is a PHP function which has a defined set of parameters and a specified result type. It is executed upono certain condition. It is very similar to event observers. The available hooks to implement are explained here.


It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php and executed after the core function _script() in /lib/helpers/utility_helpers.php runs. Use this to make global PHP variables available to the global Javascript variable LC.


Get the language to process. Read lang from query string. Basically, it is useful for admin content management by language.

It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php and executed after the core function _getLang() in /lib/helpers/utility_helpers.php runs.

db_insert_<table_name>($table, $data=array(), $useSlug=true)

Customize database insert operation for a specific table, for example, if you define db_insert_post() for the post table, it will be automatically executed when you call db_insert('post', …).

It can be defined in /app/helpers/db_helper.php and executed when db_insert() in /lib/helpers/db_helper.mysqli.php is called.

db_update_<table_name>($table, $data=array(), $useSlug=true)

Customize database update operation for a specific table, for example, if you define db_update_post() for the post table, it will be automaticaclly executed when you call db_update('post', …).

It can be defined in /app/helpers/db_helper.php and executed when db_update() in /lib/helpers/db_helper.mysqli.php is called.

db_delete_<table_name>($table, $data=array(), $useSlug=true)

Customize database delete operation of a single record for a specific table, for example, if you define db_delete_post() for the post table, it will be automatically executed when you call db_delete('post', …).

It can be defined in /app/helpers/db_helper.php and executed when db_delete() in /lib/helpers/db_helper.mysqli.php is called.

db_delete_multi_<table_name>($table, $data=array(), $useSlug=true)

Customize database delete operation of multiple records for a specific table, for example, if you define db_delete_multi_post() for the post table, it will be automatically executed when you call db_delete('post', …).

It can be defined in /app/helpers/db_helper.php and executed when db_delete_multi() in /lib/helpers/db_helper.mysqli.php is called


Overrides allow you to rewrite some functionalities of the LucidFrame core. An override is a PHP function which has a defined set of parameters and a specified result type. The available override to implement are explained here.

__flush($buffer, $mode)

Overrides the core ob_start callback function _flush() in /lib/helpers/utility_helpers.php. You can use this function to manipulate the output buffer before sending it to browser. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.


Overrides the core function _metaSeoTags() in /lib/helpers/utility_helpers.php. You can use this function to manipulate the output buffer before sending it to browser. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

auth_create($id, $data = null)

Overrides the function auth_create() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. Create user authentication object. It can be defined /app/helpers/auth_helper.php.


Overrides the function auth_getUserInfo() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. Get user record from db to create auth session. It can be defined /app/helpers/auth_helper.php.


Overrides the function auth_role() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. Check if the authenticate user has the specific user role. It can be defined in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php.

auth_roles($role, ….)

Overrides the function auth_roles() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. Check if the authenticated user has the specific user role(s). It can be defined in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php.


Overrides the function auth_permissions() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. Get the permissions of a particular role. It can be defined in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php.


Overrides the function auth_can() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. Check if the authenticate uses has a particular permission. It can be defined in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php.

flash_set($msg, $name = ‘’, $class = ‘success’)

Overrides the function flash_set() in /lib/helpers/session_helper.php. Set the flash message in session. It can be defined in /app/helpers/session_helper.php.

flash_get($name = ‘’, $class = ‘success’)

Overrides the function flash_get() in /lib/helpers/session_helper.php. Get the flash message from session and then delete it. It can be defined in /app/helpers/session_helper.php.

_pr($input, $pre=true)

Overrides the function _pr() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Convenience method for print_r to display information about a variable in a way that’s readable by humans. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php

_fstr($value, $glue = ‘, ‘, $lastGlue = ‘and’)

Overrides the function _fstr() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Format a string. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_fnum($value, $decimals = 2, $unit = ‘’)

Overrides the function _fnum() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Format a number. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_fnumSmart($value, $decimals = 2, $unit = ‘’)

Overrides the function _fnumSmart() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Format a number in a smarter way, i.e., decimal places are omitted where necessary. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_fdate($date, $format = ‘’)

Overrides the function _fdate() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Format a date. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_fdatetime($dateTime, $format = ‘’)

Overrides the function _fdatetime() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Format a date/time. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_ftimeAgo($time, $format = ‘M j Y’)

Overrides the function _ftimeAgo() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Display elapsed time in wording. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_msg($msg, $class = ‘error’, $return = null, $display = ‘display:block’)

Overrides the function _msg() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Print or return the message formatted with HTML. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_randomCode($length=5, $letters = array())

Overrides the function _randomCode() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Generate a random string from the given array of letters. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.

_slug($string, $table = ‘’, $condition = null)

Overrides the function _slug() in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php. Generate a slug of human-readable keywords. It can be defined in /app/helpers/utility_helper.php.