Useful Helpers

PHPLucidFrame provides some useful helper functions.

_app($name, $value = null)

Get/Set a global variable/object.


Name Type Description
$name string The name of the variable/object
$value mixed (Optional) The value or the variable or object

When the second parameter is ommited, it is a getter function, otherwise it is a setting function.

Return Values:

The value stored globally

Getter Usage Description
_app('db') To get the globally connected database object
_app('view') To get the global View object
_app('auth') To get the global authentication object
_app('title') To get the current page title
Setter Usage Description
_app('db', new \LucidFrame\Core\Database($namespace)); To create a new global database object (it is rarely used)
_app('view', new \LucidFrame\Core\View()) To set a new View object (it is rarely used)
_app('auth', $auth) To set/update the authentication object globally
_app('title', 'Home') To set the current page title

_cfg($key, $value = ‘’)

Get/Set a config variable


Name Type Description
$key string The config variable name without prefix
$value mixed (Optional) The value to set to the config variable; if it is omitted, it is Getter method.

When the second parameter is ommited, it is a getter function, otherwise it is a setting function.

Return Values:

The value of the config variable

_cfgOption($name, $key)

Get the value of the array config variable by its key


Name Type Description
$name string The config array variable name without prefix
$key string The key of the config array of which value to be retrieved

Return Values:

The value of a single column of the config array variable

_env($name, $default = ‘’)

Get the parameter value by name defined in /inc/parameter/


Name Type Description
$name string The parameter name in dot annotation format such as prod.db.default.database
$default mixed The default value if the parameter name doesn’t exist

Return Values:

The value defined in /inc/parameter/

_p($name = ‘env’)

Get the parameter value by name defined in /inc/parameter/(development|production|staging|test).php


Name Type Description
$name string The parameter name defined as key in /inc/parameter/(development|production|staging|test).php. The file development, production, staging or test will be determined according to the value from .lcenv. If $name is env (by default), it returns the current environment setting from .lcenv.

You can use dot notation format for the name parameter such as db.default.database for multi-level array keys.

Return Values:

The value defined /inc/parameter/(development|production|staging|test).php


Get site base URL with protocol according to the config

_arg($index = null, $path = null)

Return a component of the current path. When viewing a page and its path would be “foo/bar”, for example, _arg(0) returns “foo” and _arg(1) returns “bar”


Name Type Description
$index mixed The index of the component, where each component is separated by a ‘/’ (forward-slash), and where the first component has an index of 0 (zero).
$path string A path to break into components. Defaults to the path of the current page.

Return Values:

The component specified by $index, or null if the specified component was not found. If called without arguments, it returns an array containing all the components of the current path.

_entity($table, $dbNamespace = null)

Get default entity object from the schema


Name Type Description
$table string The mapped table name without prefix
$dbNamespace string|null The current db namespace

Return Values:

The empty stdClass object with field names as properties

_addJsVar($name, $value = ‘’)

Passing values from PHP to Javascript making available to LC.vars


Name Type Description
$name string The JS variable name that will be available to LC.vars, e.g., if $name is ‘foo’, it will be available as in JS.
$value mixed The value for the JS variable


Add CSS file to be included in head section


Name Type Description
$file string An absolute file path or file name only. The file name only will be prepended the folder name css/ and it will be looked in every sub-sites css folder


Add JS file to be included in head section


Name Type Description
$file string An absolute file path or file name only. The file name only will be prepended the folder name js/ and it will be looked in every sub-sites js folder

_json(array $data, $status = 200)

Header sent as text/json


Name Type Description
$data array Array of data to be encoded as JSON
$status int HTTP status code, default to 200


Get a HTTP request header by name


Name Type Description
$name string The HTTP header name

For example, to get the value from HTTP Authorization in header:

$authorization = _requestHeader('Authorization');

Return Values:

The HTTP header value from the request


Get the current routing path, for example,


  • would return foo/bar
  • would also return foo/bar
  • (if accomplished by RewriteRule) would return the underlying physical path

Return Values:

The route path starting from the site root


The more realistic function to get the current routing path on the address bar regardless of RewriteRule behind, for example,


  • would return foo/bar
  • would also return foo/bar
  • would also return foo/bar
  • would return 1/this-is-slug

Return Values:

The route path starting from the site root

_url($path = null, $queryStr = array(), $lang = ‘’)

Get the absolute URL path


Name Type Description
$path string Routing path such as “foo/bar”; null for the current path
$queryStr array Query string as key/value array
$lang string Language code to be prepended to $path such as “en/foo/bar”. It will be useful for site language switch redirect.

Return Values:

The absolute URL path

_redirect($path = null, $queryStr = array(), $lang = ‘’, $status = null)

Header redirect to a specific location


Name Type Description
$path string Routing path such as “foo/bar”; null for the current path
$queryStr array Query string as key/value array
$lang string Language code to be prepended to $path such as “en/foo/bar”. It will be useful for site language switch redirect.
$status int The HTTP status code


Redirect to 404 page

_shorten($str, $length = 50, $trail = ‘…’)

Shorten a string for the given length


Name Type Description
$str string A plain text string to be shortened
$length int The character count. Default is 50.
$trail string To append ... or not. null to not show

Return Values:

The shorten text string

_fdate($date = ‘’, $format = ‘’)

Format a date


Name Type Description
$date string A date to be formatted
$format string The date format; The config variable will be used if it is not passed

When both parameters is not provided, the current formatted date will be returned.

Return Values:

The formatted date

_fdatetime($dateTime = ‘’, $format = ‘’)

Format a date/time


Name Type Description
$dateTime string A date/time to be formatted
$format string The date/time format; The config variable will be used if it is not passed

When both parameters is not provided, the current formatted date/time will be returned.

Return Values:

The formatted date/time

_randomCode($length = 5, $letters = array(), $prefix = ‘’)

Generate a random string from the given array of letters.


Name Type Description
$length int The length of required random string
$letters array Array of letters from which randomized string is derived from. Default is a to z and 0 to 9.
$prefix string Prefix to the generated string

Return Values:

The random string of required length

_slug($string, $table = ‘’, array $condition = array())

Generate a slug of human-readable keywords


Name Type Description
$string string Text to slug
$table string Table name to check in. If it is empty, no check in the table
$condition array Condition to append table check-in, e.g, array('fieldName !=' => value)

Return Values:

The generated slug
