Data Manipulation

To insert, update, delete data, PHPLucidFrame provides the helper functions - db_insert(), db_update(), db_delete() and db_delete_multi().

Inserting Your Data

db_insert() will save you when you are trying to insert your data into the database without writing INSERT statement. The syntax is

db_insert('table_name', $data = array(), $useSlug = true)

For example,

$success = db_insert('post', array(
    'title' => 'New Title', // this will be used for the slug field while third argument is true
    'body' => 'Post complete description here',

if ($success) {
    // do something with db_insertId() or db_insertSlug()

You can also provide a custom slug in the $data array.

$slug = 'your-custom-slug-string';
$success = db_insert('post', array(
    'slug' => $slug,
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
    'body' => 'Updated post complete description here'
  • db_insertId() which returns the auto generated id used in the last query.
  • db_insertSlug() returns the generated slug used in the last query.


  • The first field in data array will be used to insert into the slug field.
  • Table prefix to the table name of the first parameter is optional.

Updating Your Data

db_update() is a convenience method for your SQL UPDATE operation. The syntax is

db_update('table_name', $data = array(), $useSlug = true, array $condition = array())

For example,

$success = db_update('post', array(
    'id'    => 1, // The first field/value pair will be used as condition when you do not provide the fourth argument
    'title' => 'Updated Title', // this will be used for the slug field while third parameter is true
    'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

if ($success) {
    // do something

You can also provide a custom slug in the $data array.

$success = db_update('post', array(
    'id'    => 1, // The first field/value pair will be used as condition when you do not provide the fourth argument
    'slug'  => 'custom-updated-title', // providing custom slug string
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
    'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "custom-updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

You can provide the third or fourth parameter $condition. See Query Conditions. As third parameter,

        'title' => 'Updated Title', // this will be used for slug as well
        'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'
    array('id' => 1) // condition for update as third parameter

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

As fouth parameter,

        'title' => 'Updated Title',
        'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'
    false, // To not update the slug field
    array('id' => 1) // condition for update as fouth parameter

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

If you want to update the records by OR condition, use $or operator as key in the condition array.

        'status' => 'active'
        '$or' => array(
            'created <=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'created >=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   status = 'active'
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE created <= 'xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx' OR created >= 'xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx'

Deleting Your Data

db_delete() is a handy method for your SQL DELETE operation. This is only applicable for single record deletion. The syntax is

db_delete('table_name', array $condition = array(), $softDelete = false)

LucidFrame encourages MYSQL Foreign Key Constraints to use. If ON DELETE RESTRICT is found, it performs soft delete (logical delete) by updating the current date/time into the field deleted, otherwise it performs hard delete (physical delete).

if (db_delete('post', array('id' => $idToDelete))) {
    $success = true;

db_delete_multi() is useful for batch record deletion for the given condition, but it does not check foreign key constraints.

db_delete_multi('table_name', $condition = array(
    'field_name1'    => $value1,
    'field_name2 >=' => $value2,
    'field_name3'    => null,

If you want to delete the records by OR condition, use $or operator as key in the condition array.

db_delete_multi('table_name', $condition = array(
    '$or' => array(
        'field_name1'    => $value1,
        'field_name2 >=' => $value2,
        'field_name3'    => null,

See next section for query conditions with db_delete() and db_delete_multi().

Query Conditions

You can provide a condition array to third or fourth parameter to db_update() and second parameter to db_delete() or db_delete_multi(). You can use $and and $or operators as key in the condition array. The following are some examples.

Updating with simple condition:

db_update('post', array(
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
), array(
    'id' => 1

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

Updating using AND condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        'id' => 1,
        'delete !=' => NULL

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1 AND deleted IS NOT NULL

Updating using IN condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        'id' => array(1, 2, 3)

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)

Updating using OR condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        '$or' => array(
            array('id' => 1),
            array('id' => 2)

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1 OR id = 2

Updating using IN and OR condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        '$or' => array(
            'id' => array(1, 2, 3),
            'id >' => 10,

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3) OR id > 10

Updating with complex AND/OR condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        'title' => 'a project',
        'cat_id' => 2,
        '$or' => array(
            'id' => array(1, 2, 3),
            'id >=' => 10,

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE title = "a project"
// AND cat_id= 2
// AND ( id IN (1, 2, 3) OR id >= 10 )

Condition Operators

Operator Usage Example Equivalent SQL Condition
= array('id' => 1) array('id' => array(1, 2, 3)) WHERE id = 1 WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
!= array('id !=' => 1) array('id !=' => array(1, 2, 3)) WHERE id != 1 WHERE id NOT IN (1, 2, 3)
> array('id >' => 1) WHERE id > 1
>= array('id >=' => 1) WHERE id >= 1
< array('id <' => 1) WHERE id < 1
<= array('id <=' => 1) WHERE id <= 1
between array('id between' => array(1, 10)) WHERE id BETWEEN 1 and 10
nbetween array('id nbetween' => array(1, 10)) WHERE id NOT BETWEEN 1 and 10
like like%% array('title like' => 'a project') array('title like%%' => 'a project') WHERE title LIKE "%a project%"
like%~ array('title like%~' => 'a project') WHERE title LIKE "%a project"
like~% array('title like~%' => 'a project') WHERE title LIKE "a project%"
nlike nlike%% array('title nlike' => 'a project') array('title nlike%%' => 'a project') WHERE title NOT LIKE "%a project%"
nlike%~ array('title nlike%~' => 'a project') WHERE title NOT LIKE "%a project"
nlike~% array('title nlike~%' => 'a project') WHERE title NOT LIKE "a project%"