Application Structure

Directory Description
app This directory structure contains the application files and folders of your site. The directory is auto-bootstrapped with PHPLucidFrame environment.

The helpers mapping to the system core helpers should be placed in this directory directory. They are auto-loaded. For example, the custom validation helper (validation_helper.php) should be placed in this directory and it is auto-loaded across the site. The following helper files are allowed:

  • auth_helper.php
  • db_helper.php
  • pager_helper.php
  • session_helper.php
  • utility_helper.php
  • validation_helper.php
app/cmd The console command implementation should be placed in this directory. They are auto-loaded. For example, if you implement a custom command file GreetCommand.php it should be placed in this directory and it is auto-loaded across the site.
app/entity This directory should be used to place the files which contains the business log functions or classes. They usually do the direct operations to the database layer.

The directory can include the site template files and site configuration file.

  • /tpl/head.php (overridable by /inc/tpl/head.php)
  • /tpl/401.php (overridable by /inc/tpl/401.php)
  • /tpl/403.php (overridable by /inc/tpl/403.php)
  • /tpl/404.php (overridable by /inc/tpl/404.php)
  • /tpl/header.php (overridable by /inc/tpl/header.php if you have)
  • /tpl/footer.php (overridable by /inc/tpl/footer.php if you have)
app/js The application javascript files should be placed in this directory.
assets This directory contains all client resources such css, images, and js.
assets/css This directory contains the application CSS files.
assets/images This directory contains the images of the application.
assets/js This directory contains the system core javascript files which should not be hacked. Your application javascript files should be placed in /app/js.
business [Deprecated] This directory is deprecated and it is replaced by the directory /app/entity
db This directory contains the database-related stuffs such as schema files, seeding files, etc.
db/build This directory has the built schema definitions and it is ignored from version control.
db/generated This directory has the generated sql dump files and it is ignored from version control.
files This directory contains the files and folders of your site uploaded data. For example, sessions, photos, cache, etc.

This directory should be used to place .po language files, for example,

  • en.po
  • zh-CN.po

This directory should contain sub-directories to place custom multi-lingual content files. For example,

  • en/
    • about-us.en
    • privacy-policy.en
  • zh-CN/
    • about-us.zh-CN
    • privacy-policy.zh-CN

This directory structure contains the settings and configuration files of the application. The following files are overwritable or inherited by the app/inc or app/subsite/inc directory.

  • /tpl/head.php (overridable by /app/inc/tpl/head.php)
  • /tpl/401.php (overridable by /app/inc/tpl/401.php)
  • /tpl/403.php (overridable by /app/inc/tpl/403.php)
  • /tpl/404.php (overridable by /app/inc/tpl/404.php)
  • /tpl/header.php (overridable by /app/inc/tpl/header.php if you have)
  • /tpl/footer.php (overridable by /app/inc/tpl/footer.php if you have)
lib This directory is reserved for core library files. Custom and overwritten helpers should be placed in their own subdirectory of the app/helpers or app/{subsite}/helpers directory sessions, photos, cache, etc.
tests This directory should contain all test files. The directory is auto-bootstrapped with PHPLucidFrame environment.
vendors This directory should be used to place downloaded and custom modules and third party libraries which are common to all sites.

Page Structure

PHPLucidFrame encourages a uniform and structural page organization. In brief, a page in LucidFrame is represented by a folder containing at least two files: index.php and view.php. As an example, you can see the directory /app/home/ of the LucidFrame release you downloaded.

                |-- action.php
                |-- index.php
                |-- query.php
                |-- view.php
  1. The index.php (required) serves as the front controller for the requested page, initializing the base resources needed to run the page.
  2. The action.php (optional) handles form submission. It should perform form validation, create, update, delete of data manipulation to database. By default, a form is initiated for AJAX and action.php is automatically invoked if the action attribute is not given in the <form> tag.
  3. The query.php (optional) should retrieve and process data from database and make it available to view.php.
  4. The view.php (required) is a visual output representation to user using data provided by query.php. It generally should contain HTML between <body> and </body>.
  5. The list.php (optional) is a server page requested by AJAX, which retrieves data and renders HTML to the client. It is normally implemented for listing with pagination.

PHPLucidFrame is not bound to any specific directory structure, these are simply a baseline for you to work from.

Page Workflow

This illustration demonstrates a request to or http://localhost/phplucidframe.


Layout Mode

By default, PHPLucidFrame has two template files - header.php and footer.php. They will have to include in every view.php. Some developers may not want to have header and footer templates separately and not want to include the files in all views. They usually create a site layout file.

Since version 1.14, PHPLucidFrame provides a new feature to enable/disable layout mode globally or for a particular page.

Create a Layout File

Create your layout file in /inc/tpl/ or /app/inc/tpl/. Default layout file name is layout.php. <?php include _view(); ?> has to be called in the layout file. Here is an example layout file content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><?php echo _title(); ?></title>
    <?php include _i('inc/tpl/head.php'); ?>
    <div id="wrapper">
        <div id="page-container">
            <div id="header">
                <div class="container clearfix">
                    <!-- header content -->
            <div id="page">
                <div class="container">
                    <?php include _view(); ?> <!-- page view -->
                </div> <!-- .container -->
            </div> <!-- #page -->
            <div id="footer">
                <div class="container">
                    <!-- footer content -->
        </div> <!-- #page-container -->
    </div> <!-- #wrapper -->

Enable Layout Mode globally

To enable layout mode globally, set true to $lc_layoutMode in /inc/config.php.

# $lc_layoutMode: Enable layout mode or not
$lc_layoutMode = true;
# $lc_layoutMode: Default layout file name
$lc_layoutName = 'layout'; // layout.php

You can also configure $lc_layoutName using a custom file name other than layout.php. Now that you have enabled the layout mode globally, query.php and view.php are automatically included for every page.

    |-- action.php
    |-- index.php
    |-- query.php (this file will be automatically included when layout mode is enabled)
    |-- view.php (this file will be automatically included when layout mode is enabled)

Enable Layout Mode for a Page

Assuming that you have $lc_layoutMode = false that makes layout mode disabled globally. If you want to enable it for a particular page. You can call _cfg('layoutMode', true); at the top of index.php of the page folder.

In addition, you can create a new layout for a particular page or a group of pages. You just need to call _cfg('layoutName', 'another-layout-file-name'); for the pages. Check the example at /app/example/layout/index.php.

Savant Integration


❖ PHPLucidFrame does not tie to any template system.

Savant is a powerful but lightweight object-oriented template system for PHP. Unlike other template systems, Savant by default does not compile your templates into PHP; instead, it uses PHP itself as its template language so you don’t need to learn a new markup system. You can easily integrate it into LucidFame.

Check the integration guide in the PHPLucidFrame wiki.