Configuration & Parameters

There are a couple of configuration files in PHPLucidFrame. These configuration files allow you to configure things like your database connection information, your mail server information, as well as various other core configuration values.

  File Description
1 /inc/config.php The core configuration settings (copy of config.default.php)
2 /inc/route.config.php Configuration for routes
3 /inc/constants.php The core global constants
4 /inc/parameter/development.php The configuration settings for development environment
5 /inc/parameter/production.php The configuration settings for production environment
6 /inc/parameter/staging.php The configuration settings for staging environment
7 /inc/parameter/test.php The configuration settings for testing environment
8 /inc/parameter/ The configuration settings what would be excluded from your version Control (copy of /inc/parameter/
9 /app/inc/site.config.php The custom app-specific configuration settings and the configration settings from /inc/config.php can also be overidden here
10 /app/inc/route.config.php The custom app-specific route configuration settings
11 /app/inc/constants.php The app-specific constants

There may be additional configuration files if you have sub-sites or modules in your application. Let’s say, if you have admin module in your application, there could be the following configuration files in the admin directory.

  1. /app/admin/inc/site.config.php
  2. /app/admin/inc/route.config.php
  3. /app/admin/inc/constants.php
  File Description
1 /app/inc/site.config.php The configuration settings for admin and the settings from /inc/config.php can also be overidden here
2 /app/admin/inc/route.config.php You can define admin routes here
3 /app/admin/inc/constants.php You can define constants for admin here

Note that it works only when you define “admin” in $lc_sites in /inc/config.php.

$lc_sites = array(
    /* 'virtual_folder_name (namespace)'  => 'path/to/physical_folder_name_directly_under_app_directory' */
    'admin' => 'admin'

Let’s say, you have and

When you access, these config files are included in the following priority:

  1. /inc/config.php
  2. /app/inc/site.config.php

When you access, these config files are included in the following priority:

  1. /inc/config.php
  2. /app/inc/site.config.php
  3. /app/admin/inc/site.config.php

When you access, these route config files are included in the following priority:

  1. /inc/route.config.php
  2. /app/inc/route.config.php

When you access, these config files are included in the following priority:

  1. /inc/route.config.php
  2. /app/inc/route.config.php
  3. /app/admin/inc/route.config.php

When you access, these constant files are included in the following priority:

  1. /inc/constants.php
  2. /app/inc/constants.php

When you access, these constant files are included in the following priority:

  1. /inc/constants.php
  2. /app/inc/constants.php
  3. /app/admin/inc/constants.php